Volunteer Stories
We asked some questions to a few of our volunteers. Here’s what they said….
Why do you like volunteering?
- I’m retired, it gives me a sense of purpose and achievement.
- It gets me out of self. And I like being of service to others.
- It’s offering something to the community. All coming together to help feels like big community spirit. It’s a really good feeling. People are happy to see me and people are so friendly to me.
What inspired you to volunteer?
- I was looking for a volunteer position where my help made a difference to people’s lives.
- The first time I volunteered I really needed some structure and discipline. I liked the fact that I could turn up here and be me.
- Originally I was looking for a job here and then that didn’t happen because I wasn’t confident but then I offered to volunteer instead.
What do you offer as a volunteer?
- I can give my time and life experience to help others.
- Experience, life experience. And empathy towards others. And of course my comedic value and my dancing skills ?
- I’ll do anything that I’m asked and use my initiative to do whatever is needed really, if I feel people need support I can get them help and even without realising it I give people support.
How has volunteering changed you?
- Volunteering with Branch has made me appreciate the fact that there are many, many people who have nothing for no fault of their own. I would have been with the get a job and help you yourself brigade before this.
- I love getting to meet a variety of new people, to connect with those I wouldn’t normally connect with. Getting people out of isolation, trying to help that one person.
- I’m learning new things all the time. My confidence has definitely improved.
How do you think you change the community around you/ make a difference?
- I believe I understand mental health issues much better and can help people in community in a friendly and understanding way.
- I like to make people feel welcome, to meet them where they are, to listen to them and have a giggle or a cry, whatever’s needed. Helping to reduce isolation.
- By listening to people and making sure that people are fed and have what they need. By being a shoulder to cry on is someone is having a bad time, even that makes a big difference to people.
Why do you like volunteering for The Branch?
- I meet wonderful, caring people whilst volunteering with Branch. I, also, feel lucky that I can choose when I want to volunteer to make it fit in with my life. Branch helps so many people in so many different ways I’m proud to belong to it.
- I like the craziness, the quirkiness. I can be me, there are loads of different characters and I like that it it is a doing community. I also love Julie’s cakes!
- It’s a big community spirit here, it’s everybody helping everybody, despite the challenges we might come across in the meantime. Everybody know to signpost people who need support to here, and if we can’t help we know someone who can. In paddock the Branch is THE place.